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If you are a media representative and would like to interview Judy Feld about executive coaching, workplace trends, leadership strategies, retirement options, work-life balance, university coaching programs or related topics, we invite your questions, comments, requests and emails. Click Here

Excerpts from past media coverage
Business 2.0:
"When I Say Work, I Mean Work! "A good coach can make ...your entire existence easier." (an excerpt)
Karen Duester's coach, Judy Feld, challenged her client to eliminate the chief sources of distraction. "Judy asked me what would happen if I simply stopped picking up the phone and answering my e-mail during working hours," Duester (President of Food Consulting Co.) recalls. "I thought, that's a great idea....Revenues are up 60 percent since Feld started providing advice, and Duester is considerably less harried. "Karen needed to filter what gets in," says Feld....In the process of learning to set boundaries, Duester has also weeded out difficult clients who take more time than they're worth.
Smart Money: The Wall Street Journal Magazine of Personal Business:
In the article “Just Rewards — Expert advice on how to negotiate..." Your job doesn't directly affect your firm's profits? Note your indirect impact. "If you're in human resources, show how you designed and implemented incentive programs that motivated the sales force to work harder," says Judy Feld, an executive and career coach in Dallas.
The School Administrator:
Executive Coaching (cover story) - Feld says coaching is on the increase because it works. She says most gains in the private sector come in the form of increased productivity, greater job satisfaction, higher retention rates and more skilled leadership.
New York Times:
When the Work Path Turns, Can a Guide Help? (an excerpt)
Lori Sallet, 37, hired Ms. Feld after leaving MCI in 1999 after it was acquired by WorldCom. "Then I was faced with `Where do I go next?' " said Ms. Sallet, who was also re- evaluating her life in Washington, where she was living at the time....Ms. Feld also helped Ms. Sallet change the way she approached her work life. ...But Ms. Sallet's work with Ms. Feld did not end there. She continues to consult with her coach almost every week and has used the relationship to help her build her business and draw boundaries...."I'm very happy," she said. "First of all she's helped me make my business very successful, and successful on my own terms." "The client has to feel the coach understands the world they live in; there needs to be good chemistry and good communication," Ms. Feld said.
"If self-employment still sounds appealing....master your business skills before you can realistically consider working for yourself, according to Judy Feld, a business and professional coach in Dallas."
Working Woman:
If the thrill is gone, maybe you're riding through life a little too easily.... If you're intimidated, "ask yourself what's the worst thing that could happen," suggests Dallas business coach Judy Feld...because "Ninety-five percent of the time it's something you can deal with."
"Have you ever wanted to bounce your ideas and thoughts off a person whose sole purpose is to help you professionally and personally? CIOs consult Feld for advice on organizational change, success strategies, strategic planning, leadership and decision-making skills."
Fortune (an excerpt): September 1998
Sue Moore says of her work with Judy Feld, "I needed the discipline of someone being with me every week, making sure I stuck to my goals."

Would you like to read up to three articles from the list below? Click here to submit a request.
A: Focus on Career​
A-1 The New Career Resilience, from the inside out ©
A-2 Face the Future by FLOATING ©
A-3 Your Corporate Job: Love It Or Leave It? ©
A-4 Boomers, Refuse to Decline! ©
A-5 Hybrid Workplace is Not New ©
B: Focus on Strategies
B-1 Face the Future by FLOATING ©
B-2 Lead Like a Two-year-old ©
B-3 Foresight, Forecasts and Futurists
B-4 From Archimedes to Jobs: Connecting the Dots ©
B-5 Busy, Busy, Busy: Are we Humblebragging? ©
C: Focus on Business Development
C-1 The Magic Triangle: Quality, Cost, and Time ©
C-2 Business Development Report Card: The Three R's ©
C-3 Creating Your Perfect Niche ©
C-4 Entrepreneurial Advice From Archimedes ©
C-5 Risk-Free Experiments For Your Business & Alliances ©

D: Focus on Balance
D-1 Resilience Revisited©
D-2 Pertinent Puns Pack a Punch ©
D-3 Don't Be A Crisis-Magnet! ©
D-4 Simple Arithmetic for Stretching Creativity©
D-5 Multitasking Myopia a.k.a. Joyless Juggling©
E: Focus on the Coaching Profession
E-1 Gen Z: Slouching Toward Adulthood ©
E-2 Long-term Clients and the Value They Receive
E-3 Creating Your Perfect Niche ©
E-4 Increasing Client Retention and Referrals ©
E-5 Bridging The Gap: Group coaching across generations ©
F: Early Favorites (Back In Time)
F-1 Lead Like a Two-year-old ©
F-2 Teamwork, Perseverance, and Basketball ©
F-3 Archimedes On Coaching ©
F-4 Business Development Report Card: The Three R's ©
F-5 Business Buzzword Bargain Basement & Cliche Clearance ©
Would you like to read up to three articles from the above list? Click here to submit a request